Friday, April 22, 2011

4 months old

Dax is officially 4 months old today. I cant say that it has flown by cause it sure hasent. I love this little guy with all my heart but ill tell ya!...he is a HARD baby! Since he was born he has had issues with apnea (not breathing), reflux (aka acid reflux...vomiting goes along with that) and for the past 3 months he has been extreemely colicy (crying all the time, major gass, and tummy troubles) Poor little guy hasent had it easy so far, but I CAN say that he is getting better. Everyday seems better and better. Today was a great day for him. He slept well last night so i think that helped a lot. He's been all smiles since he woke up this morning.

I didnt get a chance to take any pictures of him today but these photos are all within the past week so that counts as 4 months right?

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