Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy MemOREO Day

One day when it was close to Memorial Day, I was eating some oreo cookies and thought Oreo...Memorial...MemOREO!!! Brilliant! haha! So we decided to have a little get together with some family and friends and have everyone bring a desert made with Oreo cookies. It was a hit! This is definatly a new tradition that I will keep going.

My Brother Daniel made these deep fried oreo cookies. They won second in the contest.
I made these mini oreo cheesecakes. I was a bit disapointed with the outcome. they werent bad, just not great...know what I mean?

This was my friend Lori's concauction. It was like a layered pudding/whipped cream/oreo yummyness thing. It was the crowd favorite!

my mom made chocolate covered strawberries and oreos.

Collina's oreo cookie pizza. Very good as well.

Grandma decided to go with oreo ice cream. Not home made but you cant go wrong with ice cream. Nice one G-Money!

Tammy's Oreo layered yummyness. So much good stuff!!

The guys hangin in the Tiki Hut

Kids on the Trampoline

The Ladies chatting it up

Collina's baby Drew. Such a cutiepie!

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