Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5 months

Dax is now 5 months old this week and things are continuing to look up for him. He is a much happier baby than he used to be. I would even go as far to say that the colic is gone!! Praise the Lord!!! Definatly one of the most difficult challenges in my life. He's weighing in at a not so whooping 10.4 lbs. The dr wants to see him put on a little more weight since he is in the 3rd percent isle. Hes just a little peanut. So we started giving him a little rice cereal and i can tell that he is bulking up a bit already. The most common thing people say about him is, "WOW! Look at those BIG BLUE EYES!!!"

1 comment:

  1. RED? Is he a ginger then? Gosh i wanna kiss those baby cheeks- 10 days and counting!
