Sunday, May 29, 2011

funny things trevor has said lately

Trevor- Whats 2 minus cow? Kris- 6 Trevor- Wow Dad! you are really smart!

Trevor- whats 99+100? me- 199 Trevor- whats 100+99? me-199 trevor- wow mom! you're always right! me- yes i am. and dont ever forget it!

Trevor- do you think you could be whatever you want? even president? me- i wouldnt want to be president. its too much work. Trevor- no its not. all you do is get to eat and not have to pay.

Trevor- mom, your'e an what do you want to be? Me- well right now im a mom and my job is to take care of you and dax. Trevor- well what about when your kids are big? me- mabye a photographer or a nurse... Trevor- or a cat? mabye a pizza...then i'd eat u up! (RANDOM!) haha

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

B-Games @ the Beach

5 months

Dax is now 5 months old this week and things are continuing to look up for him. He is a much happier baby than he used to be. I would even go as far to say that the colic is gone!! Praise the Lord!!! Definatly one of the most difficult challenges in my life. He's weighing in at a not so whooping 10.4 lbs. The dr wants to see him put on a little more weight since he is in the 3rd percent isle. Hes just a little peanut. So we started giving him a little rice cereal and i can tell that he is bulking up a bit already. The most common thing people say about him is, "WOW! Look at those BIG BLUE EYES!!!"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Im learning that it is near impossible to get a good photo of both boys together. But at least they are pretty entertaining. Love my boys.

Silly Boy

Trevor is such a silly boy. He loves to make people laugh. He is always making silly faces and telling jokes...which usually dont make much sense. Gotta love it! One of his favorites goes like this...Knock Knock-whos there-owl-owl who? WHOOOOOO else? get it? hahaha!