Saturday, July 23, 2011

6 months

I gotta say, it was quite tough getting these 6 month photos of Dax. Every time I had him all dressed and ready to take his picture he would puke all over himself and me as well. It took so long to get us all cleaned up that by the time we were, the moment was over and I gave up. So finally I got him! Right after this though he was quite the fussy baby. It was right before nap time so I knew my time was short.

Anyhow, here is little Dax at 6 months. He is finally starting to grow. He has put on a little weight since he's been eating baby food and I finally got to take out the 3-6 month size clothes!! Bye bye 0-3 size! You have spent the first six months being Dax's wardrobe and it's about time to retire for now.

Everywhere we go, the first thing people comment on about Dax guessed it, his eyes. They are such a pretty shade of blue and they are just HUGE!!!!

Handsome (almost) 7 yr old

Thursday, July 21, 2011

4th of July Celebration

The city of Murrieta has a "Birthday Bash" celebration every year the week before the 4th of July with a bunch of blow up water slides and jumbers and snow cones and lots of fun stuff to do including a fireworks show at night. We've gone for probably 5 years now and its always lots of fun! I didnt have a whole lot of opportunities to take pictures cause Kris was working and it was hard juggling the baby and the stroller and keeping track of Trevor all at the same time but here are a few that i snuck in.

Trevor and his cousins Anthony and Jocelyn and some of their friends. They had a great time.

Trevor and Lexi

Trevor can often be found torturing, i mean playing, with Lexi. As you can see, she is wearing a lovely blue lei around her neck complements of her buddy Trevor. Im glad he has her to cuddle with when im busy with the baby. She is a great dog.

Sweet Sleeping Baby

Great Grandma Mickey

I love my Grandma so much and boy does she love her grandchildren! But I think she loves her Great Grandchildren even more! I hope when I am a grandmother I can be as awesome as her.

Cut That Mop!!

Although I really do love Trevor's long hair, it's time to go back to the short. It's just so hot in the summer time and he is a very sweaty boy. Plus a good hair day for him was hit or miss all the time, so I decided to cut it all off!!!

This smile is fake. He was not too thrilled that i was cutting his lovely locks.

That's more like it.
Even better. The scowl says it all.

Look at that ponytail!

Now the sassy tounge...

aaaand its gone!!!

This smile is fake too. He still wasent happy about it. Especially once he looked in the mirror. He almost started crying! I didnt think boys cared that much about hair but i guess this one did. He got over it the next day though.

What a good boy! He even swept up.